To emancipate intellectual, cultural, social and economic status of the individual and the society by developing a quality system to ensure all-round development of the college and achieve excellence in every area.

Modernize the classroom by integrating ICT in regular teaching, learning and research to achieve aim globally and competently. Create awareness on human rights, cultural and spiritual heritage and eco-friendly practices. Promote transparency, social accountability and democratic practices in their lives. Achieve excellence by imparting quality education through teaching, learning, research and extension activities.Emancipate skills for better placement.
Development of various academic and administrative activities of the college.Development of Institutional data base and documentation of the various activates leading to quality improvement.Formulate and suggest strategies for continuous improvement at an operational level and combine Issues that need approval at appropriate levels like Academic Council or Governing Body.Quality Assurance through documentation and academic audit.Preparation of mandatory quality reports, coordinate for assessment, accreditation and awards Evaluating Feedback Mechanism from students, parents and other stakeholders to improve quality parameters. Prepare AQAR and send to NAAC on time.